2024 OGGF Scholarship Recipients

In a landmark celebration of its 30th anniversary, the Ohio Girls Golf Foundation (OGGF) has announced the awarding of twelve scholarships to deserving high school graduates. These scholarships, aimed at supporting the academic and athletic aspirations of young female golfers, underscore the foundation’s enduring commitment to fostering talent and providing opportunities.

This year’s scholarship program is especially notable with the introduction of three new named scholarships, created to honor key figures in the foundation’s history. The scholarships honor OGGF Co-Founder Mary Ann Bierman, OGGF Headliner and LPGA professional Barb Mucha, and current OGGF Executive Director Lynne Plaisance. These scholarships recognize the significant contributions of these women to the foundation and the sport of golf.

In a generous gesture commemorating the foundation’s milestone anniversary, Mary Ann and Bill Bierman donated $2,000 to establish the Mary Ann Bierman Founder’s Scholarship. This scholarship will continue to support the educational journeys of young female golfers in Ohio.

2024 Scholarship Winners

Brooke Barnes
Barb Mucha Scholarship

Nordonia Hills High School
Heidelberg University

Kayla Calvey
OGGF Scholarship

Lake Catholic High School
Louisiana State University

Kaylyn Henson
OGGF Scholarship

Grove City High School
Malone University

Madigan O’Leary
Teen Burke Scholarship

Avon High School
Miami University

Mallory Meister
Arrowsmith/Keim Scholarship

Edison High School
Ohio Northern University

Mary (Molly) McGreal
Patty Wood Memorial Scholarship
Independence High School
Mercyhurst College

Elizabeth Jackson
OGGF Scholarship
Otsego High School
Heidelberg University

Maureen Burns
Lynne Plaisance Scholarship

Mount Notre Dame High School Youngstown State University

Annelise Stencel
Mary Ann Bierman Founder’s Scholarship
Walsh Jesuit High School
Ithaca College

Gabriella Berlingieri
Maureen T. O’Brien Memorial Scholarship
Stow-Munroe Falls High School
Walsh University

Jessica Herron
OGGF Scholarship
Tiffin Columbian High School
Baldwin Wallace University

Morgan Wamer
OGGF Scholarship

Sheridan High School
Otterbein University

The OGGF Board of Trustees is proud to support these exceptional young women as they embark on their collegiate careers. Each recipient has demonstrated not only talent and dedication on the golf course but also academic excellence and a commitment to community service.

About the Ohio Girls Golf Foundation

Founded thirty years ago, the Ohio Girls Golf Foundation aims to promote and support the growth of girls’ golf across Ohio. The foundation provides scholarships, educational resources, and competitive opportunities to help young female golfers achieve their full potential both on and off the course. Through its initiatives, OGGF fosters a supportive community that encourages sportsmanship, integrity, and excellence.

As the foundation celebrates this significant milestone, it looks forward to continuing its mission and impacting the lives of many more young female golfers in the years to come.